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Psychological components of the weight loss and management. To illustrate it I will start with a hypothetical question:


Would you be able to lose 10 pounds if you were promised one million dollars in return? I do believe that all of us not just able to lose and manage weight, but I am also convinced that most of us have intuitive and instinctive knowledge how to do it. I also believe that most of us are able to reveal and use that knowledge without actual multi million promises. It should be pleasant and enjoyable. I believe we can use this knowledge to shape our mentality needed to manage weight. I call it The Slim Mentality. 

There are plenty of weight loss clinics teaching various diets. We do it differently. We want to accomplish the impossible - transplanting a slim person’s mentality.


We will do a weight management oriented medical assessment and we will teach you the basics of healthy nutrition that everyone interested in weight management must master. We can help you find the right diet based on your health and preferences, or you can bring your own or use one from another weight loss clinic and we will assess them for safety and efficiency.

Unlike other clinics, we will concentrate most of our efforts on helping you to get in the right mindset to become and stay slim.  Please read my book "The Slim Mentality", link as above, about my ideas and philosophy.

Our approach is not for everyone. However, for those who are compatible with our system, we guarantee that the weight loss journey will not only be painless, but also rewarding and satisfying.


“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.” Tony Robbins